Following the teaching of the New Testament and the pattern of the early church, we practice baptism by immersion (Greek: immerse or plunge beneath).

Following the teaching of the New Testament and the pattern of the early church, we practice baptism by immersion (Greek: immerse or plunge beneath).
How to become a Christian
Following the teaching of the New Testament and the pattern of the early church, we practice baptism by immersion (Greek: immerse or plunge beneath).
How to become a Christian
- Hear Romans 10:17
- Believe John 3:16
- Repent Acts 2:38
- Confess Romans 10:10, Matthew 10:32-33
- Be baptized Acts 2:38, John 3:3-7, Romans 6:3-5
Baptizing: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38
What is the Church supposed to be doing? - Many things. We have studied 20 or more in our sermons in 2014…
… communicating, connecting, caring, feeding, loving, sowing, growing - Top of the list
- Going – Preaching
- Baptizing – Teaching
Partnering with Jesus in Saving Souls
“Doing God’s Work God’s Way”
If we only go and preach and do not baptize, our job is only half done. And it’s really not done at all!
If we are only getting people in the water, and that not properly preceded by teaching that leads to faith, repentance and profession of faith, all that we are doing Is just getting them wet!
The Bible clearly teaches . . .
- We all are in need of forgiveness Romans 3:10, 23
- The consequence of our sin is eternal death Romans 6:23
- Salvation comes only through Jesus John 14:6
- Faith is an absolute necessity Hebrews 11:6, Mark 16:16
- Repentance is an absolute necessity Acts 2:38, Luke 13:3-5
- Confession of faith is an absolute necessity Matthew 10:32
- Baptism is an absolute necessity Mark 16:16
Baptism – as the New Testament teaches it - Greek – baptidzo meaning to dip, immerse, plunge beneath
Jesus said that the person who believes and is baptized will be saved (Mark 16:16) - “What we want is to be saved i.e. forgiven, redeemed, to spend eternity in Heaven”
The New Testament examples clearly illustrate this - John’s baptism John 3:23 “much water”
- Jesus’ baptism Matthew 3:16 “went up out of the water”
- Phillip and the Ethiopian Acts 8:38-39“went down into the water…”“came up out of the water…”
And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.
Paul gives us an in-depth picture of the meaning of baptism in Romans 6:4-5
Romans 6:4 We were buried therefore with him through baptism unto death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have become united with (him) in the likeness of his death, we shall be also (in the likeness) of his resurrection;
When we follow the Scriptures we can claim the promise - We shall be saved Mark 16:16
- Forgiveness of sins and gift of the Spirit Acts 2:38
- Live a new life and be united with Christ in His resurrection Romans 6:4-5
- Eternal life I John 2:25